"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."
- Isaac Newton
At EPIC we witness the truth in this quote every day. It is with support from others that EPIC Youth has been able to see further and embrace their abilities to do more, be more, and achieve more.
Will you join our campaign and become an EPIC Giant?
Who are the EPIC Giants?
EPIC Giants help EPIC grow our programming and mission by setting up recurring monthly donations, of $10 or more, over one year to ensure we have the foundation needed to support the EPIC Youth & Programs.
What do EPIC Giants get?
EPIC Giants are placed into five categories based on the pledge given each month. The categories below represent tiers, the amount is given each month, and the incentive included with each monthly donation.
Advocates ($10-$30 month)
Recognition on the EPIC Website and at EPIC Events
Leaders ($35-$65 month)
Recognition on the EPIC Website and at EPIC Events
Quarterly Newsletter
Builders ($65-$95 month)
Recognition on the EPIC Website and at EPIC Events
Quarterly Newsletter
Opportunity to join an EPIC Service Warrior Service Day
Champions ($100-$200 month)
Recognition on the EPIC Website and at EPIC Events
Quarterly Newsletter
Opportunity to join an EPIC Service Warrior Service Day
Discounted admission for you and a guest to all EPIC ticketed events
Warriors ($200+ month)
Recognition on the EPIC Website and at EPIC Events
Quarterly Newsletter
Regular video updates from a Warrior
Opportunity to join an EPIC Service Warrior Service Day
Free admission for you and three guests to all EPIC ticketed events
With your support as an EPIC Giant, EPIC will be able to expand programming, reach more young people with disabilities, and continue to create positive change in the community.
Are you ready to become an EPIC Giant?
Click the link below to get started!
Current EPIC Giants
Jeff & Douglas Lafata-Hernandez
Lola Piscopo
Delia O'Connor
Carl Guepel & Janie Vanpee
Joshua Wing
Melanie Figueiredo
Jennifer Lassins
Meredith Traquina
Martine Vanpee & Stephen Linsky
Michelle Benjamin
Jane Etish-Andrews
Rachel Kang
Jennifer & Ted Kremer
Jane Lafata
Ethan Linsky
Jonathan Palumbo
Michael Piscopo
Lauren Summerill
Meredith Wright